Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Who Does that?!

Luke 5:10-11
10-11 Jesus said to Simon, “There is nothing to fear. From now on you’ll be fishing for men and women.” They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him.

I've been thinking about this story a lot. Especially the past 3 weeks. 

Simon (who eventually was given the new name Peter) was going on about his business. He was waking up, getting dressed, meeting up with friends, and walking to work. Everyday he got on that boat and caught some fish. He was doing what so many of us do. He was doing what I was taught and accustomed to do.

And then one day...

Peter, minding his own business, met this guy who told him some crazy things. He told him some FOOLISH things.

"Simon," He said (in the Danielle translation), "Quit your job. Quit doing everything that makes sense to you. I've purposed something greater for you. You are meant to change the world. I know it doesn't make sense... But I don't think like you. I am not limited like you. I've GOT you."

The craziest thing about that story isn't really what Jesus said. I mean we have foreshadowing so we already knew who Jesus was in the story. Jesus is known for wacky stuff- Let's be real... the guy turned water to wine, told dead people to wake up, forgave a prostitute, and walked on water... and that's just the minor things. Dude was different.

To me the most insane thing was that Peter DID it. He dropped his nets. He abandoned all reason. He quit his day job to follow some guy he didn't even know. He didn't know that Jesus was the Messiah. He had never met Him before. 

Here's the thing... Jesus spoke to the inner cry of Peter and His only response to was to follow. Drop everything- give up the life he had always known for something that he had never seen. 

Who does that?!

How awesome is God though! Peter never went without. God sent people to provide for them- whatever they needed- just so that Jesus and the disciples could fulfill their purpose. 
At the end of Peters story was just the beginning... He changed the world, voiced the foundation of what the Church is built on. We still look to his life for how we should live. 

All because Peter dropped his nets. All because he quit his job- to follow Jesus.

I've had some crazy up's and downs these past few weeks. People voicing opinions that were hurtful, people promising one thing and doing another, and wondering how God was going to do what He assured me He would do.

BUT now it's MORNING. Joy is mine. God's faithfulness isn't determined by other's opinions of my obedience. His faithfulness isn't determined by other people's follow through. His faithfulness isn't even shifted by me. 

I don't know what God has called you to do. I don't know what nets you are supposed to put down, what thing you are supposed to let go of, and where your feet are supposed to take you. But here is what I do know...

"There is NOTHING to fear!"

That's what Jesus said. 

You can believe it.

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