Monday, September 30, 2013

Coffee with Mom

All week I was rushing around the house making sure all of my work was done and the house looked perfect.

I hadn't seen my mom in a while and she hadn't seen our little cottage yet so I wanted to make sure she saw it the way we did. Homey and peaceful.
I don't know why I stressed though, she is my mom. She would be fine hanging out with me just about anywhere... but still. I wanted her to be proud.

Saturday morning rolled around. My last day of 23. I knew when Mom got here we would laugh and talk about everything that happened the past year and talk about goals for 24. That's what a good mom does, she keeps you motivated and moving forward.

So... I woke up, got dressed, made a pot of coffee and then I heard the knock. Right on time. That's why I love her.

I opened the door and even though I wanted her to see the house... all she saw was me. She hugged me and held me for a while. Like I said, we haven't seen each other for quite some time now. Eventually she let go and with a huge smile she said "Everything is perfect. And you look so happy." I am.

She came in and and we cozied up on the couch with coffee in hand and we caught up. Her mostly asking all the questions.

"How is Cyler?"
"How is your job?"
"How is church going?"

Basic questions.. but goodness they meant the WORLD to me hearing them from her.

There was so much relief having her on my couch. Because I knew... I just knew that she loved me and celebrated me. What person doesn't want that on their birthday?

We talked and talked... She asked me about what I loved most and liked least about 23. I told her I loved getting married. I've shared a whole year with someone who is a daily example of Christ's unwavering love for me. I've not experienced anything like that my whole life. I told her my least favorite thing was the loss of some close relationships in my life. That, although I knew God held my heart, the sting of people choosing to walk away hurts more than I could say.

She was wonderful because I saw joy in my joy, but heartache because her baby girl was hurt. Her words were so encourgaing... "Love surrounds you babygirl... Stop looking at where it's not... because you're world is full of love."

She's right.

I didn't want her to leave. I tried to keep telling her things just so she would sit on the couch with me a little longer. I told her about my book and the inspiration behind it. I told her about the blog and how much it has helped me. I told her about the people that I'm closest to.. and the ones I miss. I just kept talking.

But I knew she had to go. She held me tight again.

"You're beautiful, Dani. I'm proud of you not because you've done or haven't done anything. I'm proud because you're my daughter. I love you with all my heart."

And then she left.


If anyone knows me well.. you know how much I wish the story above was true.

I lost my mom when I was 8 years old. And as I was approaching a new year... the ache for her was stronger than ever. I don't have stable parent figures in my life. I am thankful to have been raised by my Aunt and Uncle... but the ache for a dad and especially a mom is strongest at this time in my life.

I think of starting a life with my husband, having kids, the accomplishments that I'm making... and even tough times that are sure to come. And I wish she could be here for them.

But, I started thinking (thanks to my sister/cousin Tisha) about what coffee with her would be like. What would she say if she saw me right where I am.

And Saturday morning for my birthday I did just that. And what you read above is how I pictured it.

23 was a wonderful year... It was full of God fulfilling promises and it was full of neccessary seperation so I could move forward.

I rarely understand why my mom had to go when I was so young. But, Saturday... the day before 24... I understood another piece of that puzzle.

See, I don't have a mom. Or a dad. My whole life, the words I've imagined my mom saying has been the comforting voice of God. He's been my mom and my dad. And He is so good at it.

I know if my mom could see me... she would say those things and so much more. And even though I don't hear them audibly... I hear those words all the time.

I'm thankful for a personal God. On joyous days and in sombering moments. He's a great mom.

I think I'll have coffee with Him everymorning. He makes me better... and loves me best.

So... Peace out 23!! Hello 24!! Let's get this year started!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Humanity Sucks. So.. Thank God for God.

Today has not been my favorite day.

I've cried and tried to continue processing some things that have happened in my personal life. Normally I would open up and share but I don't feel like it would come out the right way- so I'll save that post for another day.

I called my husband and even one of my pastors as the hurt and anger really began to surface. I needed help and someone to tell me what I already knew: calm down and pray/worship/yell... just let it out.

I wanted SO BADLY to get on here and unload. Talk about the people that are talking about me. Tell the truth about lies that are being told. I wanted people to see that my hurt was valid and I was actually the one in the right. I was trying to show mercy and compassion towards situations that didn't deserve it. I was trying to be righteous.

Proving my righteousness by being unrighteous. That was my plan. I was going to "put them in their place" once and for all. Publicly.

I would have lost this battle that I've been engaging in for months- heck, years.

I'm in tears now, just typing this. I'm ashamed that my first response was to hurt the people that were hurting me. I want to be known as a person who loves past herself. And today I couldn't see past myself. How hypocritical.

Scripture reminds me this:

Isaiah 54:17
New Living Translation (NLT)

17 But in that coming day
no weapon turned against you will succeed.
You will silence every voice
raised up to accuse you.
These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord;
their vindication will come from me.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

I've been given freedom from the words that try to bind me to anything I've done- or haven't done. I'm thankful for a Father that will fight my battles and bind up my wounds and broken heart while defending me.

My honor matters to Him and all I have to do is remember what HE says about me. That's truth. Truth isn't founded on the words of others. Lies or facts. Truth is defined as Jesus. He is the way the TRUTH and the light. The truth about me is that I'm loved with a love that is beyond measure. I'm accepted into a family of believers and ANYTHING that tries to seperate me from the love of God will not work. It's a useless weapon.

Sometimes reminding ourselves of these things will put a lot of our battles into perspective. I have to tell myself that it doesn't matter what other peoples words are. God will handle that. I have to pray mercy for them because they obviously can't see the weight and severity of what they are doing. Not because I'm anyone important but because I'm a chosen daughter of God- that makes me off limits.

But in saying that I face the harsh reality that they are equally loved and chosen by God. They have just as much significance to His heart as I do.

So I'm going to do what I want them to do. I'm going to bless them because I know whose they are.

Walking out forgiveness hurts. And taking the easy road and calling out those who speak falsely (or rightly) about us won't help and won't point anyone to Christ.

I'm reminded of something one of my favorite bloggers tweeted once- "No one's ever said: 'The way you bitterly mock other Christians helped me begin a life-changing love of Jesus'(Be kind)."

Simple words- but today they are my motivation.

As I challenge myself I'd like to challenge you as well:

Pray for those that hurt you. It's hard and it hurts but EVEN IF THEY NEVER CHANGE we will. We will be better for it. We will be stronger and have thicker skin. We won't be bound to their wrong actions. We will be free.

Maybe in the process we will lead others to freedom. That's good enough for me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Choosing the Room with No Doors

Option number 2. Plan b. Best and worst case scenario. If this doesn't work then....

I hear those things almost every day either from my mouth or out of the mouth of others. I think sometimes having a choice to walk away is a good thing.
For instance, I will walk away from a $200 pair of shoes, or I will walk away from an argument that is unproductive, and sometimes I've had to walk away from people because their lifestyle or life outlook was bringing me or my family down. It's important to know when to hold them and when to fold them. (I think that's how that saying goes)

But, what if there was no plan b. No way out. What if the only way to survive was to stick with this one choice and make it work- no matter what.

I've been married for a few months now and in that time I've heard of friends sepearating, divorcing, re-connecting... It's been a whirlwind of thoughts and discussion in the Craig household as we dig deep to figure out what we think about this subject. We talked about the idea of divorce before we got married, but recently it's hitting home in a real way.

We want to know what the Father thinks of it and how we want to approach the "Plan b" discussion.

I first want to say, before I really dig deep into my thoughts, I hold no condemnation for marriages that havnen't worked or are in the process of ending. My heart goes out to each and every friend I have that has had to face the heartache that comes with it. God holds so much grace and mercy towards us that I don't believe we should feel condemnation over a failed marriage. And I believe God is a restorer and he will restore all things. Maybe not in our spouse, because it has to be desired by both parties, but He WILL restore the hearts of the broken. I've seen beautiful marriages come the second and even third time around.

But, I believe if BOTH parties are willing a marriage can be beautiful the first time around, too. I've seen it. I'm seeing it even now.

Cyler and I both come from broken homes. We have witnessed divorce and we have witnessed dysfunctional relationships. It's a battle we have to face to not wonder if this (our marriage) is forever. But, I love God because He was so faithful to spill His heart about all things that we are able to find guidance and direction as we go through our journey of marriage together.

It helped us both to first see that realtionship is not a contract. It's a covenant. I have to look at things from the perspective of "Cyler's good at my expense" and he has to do the same.

I have to be selfless. I suck at that a lot. I want my way and sometimes I just want to stomp my feet and demand it. But love doesn't do that. I have to put his good above my own.

We also had to remember that forgiveness is a daily thing- for big and small things alike. Women, we are known for remembering offenses from years before and in an argument we will bring them up as if it happened yesterday (or an hour ago). That can't happen. I have to have a short memory of the bad things and forgive and just keep moving. I'm not dealing with a story book prince who had every line and action scripted by someone. I'm dealing with a man. He is flawed and will mess up.. but SO WILL I! And I want him to be patient and forgiving to me. I have to give those things if I ever want to have those things given to me.

Something that I've seen in a lot of couples that have functioning relationships is-time. He HAS to be my best friend and my most important disciple. And I have to be that for him. I figure we can tell a lot about the people that we are supposed to pour into by the amount of time they are going to be in our life. My husband, from the day I said I do, is there. He is with me forever. He is my most important mission field. Above anyone else I need to show him the love of Jesus. I have to intercede for him the most and I have to sacrifice my time for him the most. If I do that and he does the same we will be well equiped to then minester to our children and then the communtiy/world. Time is also important because he needs to know that he is a priority, not just for minstering, but for fun and even sadness. If I'm available to my husband and he is available to me we will be confident in our marriage and the friendship and love we are building.

I'm sure there are a lot more points and things I could think about that would strengthen my marriage and the ways I could make sure it stays strong. But, for me, there is that lingering question- What if?

What if he doesn't do these things? What if I mess up? What if...? What if...? What if...?

I hate that question. It torments because it's my self trying to keep holding on to "Plan B"

So now I know what I need to do. If my marriage was a room then I need to walk in and know that there is no doors, no windows, no openings. I CHOOSE the room with no doors. It will be my primary goal to make sure the person I'm in there with is healthy, and happy, and taken care of. For my sake I have to do that. And it will be his goal to do the same-for his sake.

There is no way out in this thing. Not because I'm stuck but because I have resolved that in every situation we WILL work this out. We may yell sometimes and cry and pout but there will be resolution. And there will be love- because I'm not going to be stuck in a room with a person I don't like. I will choose to love him, even when it's hard and it hurts. (Lucky for me he is an easy guy to love. He's just so darn cute!)

Cyler's good at my expense. That's only possible if I choose the room with no doors.

Let's just hope there's AC in there. ;)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Day the World Changed Colors

8,748 days.

That's how many days I've been alive.

Over 99% of those days I can't remember. I know there were milestones during those days but if you asked me about March 17 of 1997 and wanted to know the specifics of that day, well, I would laugh at you... because I have no clue.

But there are somedays that are seared on my heart. Days that I could recount almost every single detail, great and small.

Today... I can't help but remember one of those days.

I was in the 6th grade in the year 2001. From what I remember it was one of my favorite years of school. I went to W.E. Cherry Elementary. I lived in a cool subdivision and spent my afternoons playing in the yard with the neighborhood kids. It was primarily and innocent time.

Until Septmeber. A month I look forward to every year. It was always a happy day when September 1st rolled around. The countdown to my birthday would begin. I would remind my Aunt and Uncle what I wanted for my birthday. I would plan my cakes and where I wanted to go for dinner. September was always a perfect month.

But not that year.

That year.... I knew the world had changed for me. I guess you could say it went from vibrant to pastel.

I remember being in my PE Class and our homeroom teacher came and grabbed the whole class and made us go back to the room. As we were walking-well more like jogging- behind our teacher back to class I heard an announcement saying that all teachers and students were required to stay in the classroom until told otherwise. I still feel those cold chills the same way I did that day. I felt afraid and no one would tell me why.

We sat in the classroom for what seemed like hours (but I'm pretty sure it wasn't long at all) until finally the teacher looked at us and apologized- I guess because she knew the effect her action would cause- and turned on the news.

By the time we all settled down and looked at the screen we saw smoke billowing out of the first tower. The cold sweat started again. We were young, but we knew that people were in that building. Our teacher started to tear up as she explained what the building was and how many people worked there. Tears began to well up in most of the room as we realized just what we were looking at.

Our neighbors were in danger. Some dying or already passed. And it wouldn't stop. That day as 6th graders we learned that sometimes real life could be way more harsh than the scariest movie.

And then it happened. The second plane hit. We saw it.




It was no accident.

I was terrified. I think, for the most part, I believed that the majority of the world didn't want to hurt people. I had seen ugly and tragedy. But PURE evil... I saw that that day.

We didn't turn off the news the rest of the day. We also never left that classroom. I remember holding on to one of my friends as we watched the rest of what happened that day. Together we watched the towers fall. We saw people in NY running and screaming. We cried together. That day, we even prayed together. I still remember the smell of her perfume.

I remember going home and calling my Uncle. He said work was sending him home. No homework that night. At some point my family was there joining me in the living room, me on the floor and them on the couches and chairs, crying and watching.

I remember triumph that day as well. I felt like an American. Like a citizen. I watched, in the coming days-months-years, as MY country joined together as a nation. We prayed for each other. We loved each other. We grieved for each other.

That day changed so much for me. I lost part of being a kid that day... but I gained a patriotism that I think only the events of that day could have birthed.

I'm proud I'm an American. I've seen us perservere and work together. I've seen us turn to The One who can save in the moment we all needed salvation.

Remembering that day gives me hope in our future. Not because of what we lost... but because of who we became together.

Today as we pray for every person affected by the tragic events September 11, 2001 brought us let us also look to the future with the same patriotism, hope, and love for our neighbors that we felt that day.

So, yes... For me the world did go from vibrant to pastel. Thankfully I still see the rainbow. And I know good things are ahead.

God Bless America!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ode to the Girls: Songbirds, Princesses, and a Blushing Bride

Oh weekends! How you never disappoint me! I love you!

I love weekends, I mean who doesn't? But this weekend, I've been looking forward to it for months. And as it approached it became clear that this weekend would be so full of epicness I may not even be able to stand it.

And it was. Oh... IT WAS! Trying to pick words to describe it has been tricky. Beautiful, exciting, slightly painful, wonderfully fulfilling, and perfectly refreshing.

I guess you could say... it was perfect.

It started out with a much needed trip to Tallahassee to visit one of my closest friends Amanda A. (and her nerdy cool husband Justin- but this is the Ode to the girls, remember?). If you don't know her you're missing out because when it comes to friends, she is top of the line- high end couture- type of friend. We wear the same style, accidentally watch the same shows, and appreciate Disney and crafting with a twin like similarity. She even holds my favorite "becoming friends" story. One day I may share... believe me it's hilarious!

We went to dinner and shared laughs and planned our Saturday. It was nice to be among familiarity. As much as I love Macclenny and the people here, it's so calming to be around people that KNOW you... I mean people who have history and have seen your worst and still call you to hang out the next day. My heart was missing that.

We went to Walmart to hunt chargers and spare clothes because my super cute husband... He forgot our suitcase. OUR SUITCASE! I sure am glad his head is attached or he would probably forget it most days. Silly guy.

We fell asleep watching Harry Potter. Because we only watch the best at Casa de Anzalone. Even though I think we only made it 5 minutes in because we are old married people who apparently can't hang anymore. *sigh*

Anywho... That brings me to SUPER AWESOME SATURDAY. After months and months and months and months of planning and waiting. It was TATTOO day! I was so excited! I had been planning this thing and mulling over how deep the meaning of it is to me. It just felt like it needed to be there at that point. As Amanda and I were going over what I was getting... our similarities became even more apparent. Everything I was wanting to incorporate was incredibly similar to her tattoo. Although, hers is way more epic than mine. Goes across her whole back. She is practically a rock star.

SO... we run around all morning finding clothes for Cyler and I, printing pictures for Eric T- the tattoo guy, trying to make sure I had food on my stomach for the tattoo, and me panicing.. .thank goodness Amanda was there. She kept stopping me to make sure I chilled out and breathed. Lots of hugs followed. Thanks Amanda!

We sang in the car and harmonized together, she is one of my FAVORITE duet partners, as we made our way to the shop. We walked in, I met Eric, he drew up the tattoo, and off we went. As he did the tatto he told funny stories, and gave awesome little nuggets that are great life principles. I think eventually I will do a whole blog about what this guy said and how cool it was to have met him.

And then... almost 2 hours later... It was finished. It was perfect. It looked better than I hoped and made the tattoo have an even deeper meaning. It represents so much of who I've become.

Check it out:

After that tattoo we went to Voodoo Dog. A hotdog place in Tally. I hate hotdogs... but that place... O.M.G. it was SO stinkin good. And was a great addition to the tough girl feeling I had going on. All in all... perfect experience.

And then it was time to head out. To leave my sweet friend and come back home. I think I miss being closer to her now more than I did before I went.

As we were getting ready to leave... Amanda brought me something that was so sweet and touched my heart more than she will know. She had already told me it was an early birthday present so I knew it was mine. But her bringing it out of the house and handing to me... it just really hit how great of a friend she really is.

I wrote a post called the Theology of Cinderella a while ago. It was talking about dreams and how I know God is going to do everything He promised.

She painted me a picture of Cinderella for my house. It was perfect and touching. It took time for her to make and was one of the most thoughtful things a friend has ever done for me.

I hung it over my keyboard as a reminder. I see it when I wake up and when I head to bed. It's just what I needed.

Take a look: She did a FABULOUS job!


Next exciting part of my weekend: I have a new SEESTER!!

That's right... my super handsome, and weirdly funny brother-in-law got married on Friday to the beautiful Ashlee. She is sweet and smart, and super gorgeous. I couldn't be more happy for them. And icing on the cake is knowing that they are bringing what is sure to be the most handsome baby nephew into our family. I'm ready for January to give him sweet snuggles.

I've been able to spend some time with Ashlee over these past few months and of all of the things I love about her my favorite is this: She makes my BB so happy! I don't think I've ever seen him like this. Granted I haven't known him forever, but Cyler has. And he says the same thing.

Our new Blushing Bride in the family is perfect. She is just what we needed! Sweet and Sassy... with a lot of cute! 

And finally... the Princesses!

Because BB and Ashlee got hitched, my "growing up to fast" sister in laws were in town with my mom-in-law. It was nice to have some family time. We all hung out and heard HILARIOUS stories about BB and Cyler. Those girls are so smart and absolutely hilarious. Sissy, the youngest one, is a cheer leader now so randomly she breaks into clapping and counting to 8... its cute... and kind of funny. I'm glad she likes it.
And Amanda (the other little sis) she is edgy and fun and has a lot of attitude. But she is SO funny! If you pay really close attention her little comments will crack you up... or piss you off. Either way, it's great

And my mom-in-law, she is a character. I love her so much. She has more opinions than anyone I know. And I love it. She is strong in her beliefs and has no problem telling you when you need to get it together. It's great!

All in all... Best weekend in a while. Singing songs and saying "I do" all while us ladies all got EXACTLY what we wanted whether it was a tattoo, a milkshake and cookies, or a great new husband. This weekend was for the ladies!

So here's to you girls. I'm glad I have all of you in my life. I couldn't be any luckier.

Let's do it again next weekend, shall we?? :)

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Is There an AA Group for this Problem?

Okay. Here's the thing. I have TERRIBLE follow through when it comes to projects I start.

I have half way started songs, pictures, art projects, growing my hair out (insert sad face here), even letters to people.

It's a problem. I can admit it.

"Hi, my name is Danielle and sometimes I don't finish what I start."

I hate that I'm like that. And one time I tried to work on it but I didn't follow through with that either. *sigh* See my dilemma.

I've been working on a lot of projects lately though. And I haven't stopped. I just recently finished a drawing of a bird (it was kind of weird looking... I think it had a big butt... Because I like big butts and I cannot lie??).

I also finished a project I was doing with a dresser. It's pretty cool and makes some great and cute extra storage space for the living room. 

I EVEN finished a complete poem. Pretty big accomplishments, if I do say so myself. I'm going to chalk it up to being a wife and all the super powers that come with it.

But, I have some projects that I don't know how to finish.

Let's start with the blog.
I've never stuck with one this long before. Shamefully I think it's only been like 3 weeks. That's my record though. I started a blog once called "Anything But Nothing" and it only had an intro blog and the first post. I wrote them both on the same day. And I Never. Wrote. Another. One.
But this blog... something about it means so much to me. Even if no one reads it (although I'm super thankful you do)it's helping me. And I'm following through even though I can't finish it. It's making follow through look a little bit different to me. Instead of having a starting and a stopping point... I have a journey. My only way of accomplishing anything with it is to keep going.

Never ending follow through.

That's intimidating.

Especially to someone who can't write a dang letter without giving up. (My poor Dad is still waiting on that letter now that I think about it... I should go find it)

I'm honestly trying not to think about it. I don't want to fail at this.

My plan is this: In the process of attempting to follow through with this blog I am giving myself little assignments in the process. Some small and some big.

I have decided to take on the responsibility of providing dinner to our ISM group every Thursday. My goal is to cook for them every week. Last week we had pizza but hey, at least I'm making progress. They still ate.

I am starting some DIY fall projects, too. I may actually post some blogs about what I'm doing in case you'd like to join in.

But... there is one really big project I've started and I'm super nervous to talk about it.

I've started writing a book. I've known it was coming for years and I've started. It's intimidating to say the least. I don't really know what I'm doing or how to finish it. But I'm doing it. It's going to be my biggest follow through test yet. And now that I told you... something inside says I have to finish.

To me, it's the biggest thing I've ever done. To write about my story in a way to inspire others. It's scary to be vulnerable. To open yourself up to criticism of your most trying and/or happy times.

Nevertheless, it's happening.

I will follow through. Because I want to be known as faithful. Even in the small things.

Do you ever struggle with follow through? Are there any projects you're working on that you really want to finish?

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

I'm Not an Island. And I Don't Live on One Either.

My intentions were to wait until the end of the week to write something. But, this morning I woke up and I just can’t shake the feeling that I need to write about this particular subject this morning.

Within the past few days the subject of relationships have been a discussion my husband and I have found ourselves in with most of the people we’ve talked to. Marriages, divorces, friendship, acquaintances, even enemies have come up. We’ve talked about this topic in ISM (our youth group), private conversations with people, and even amongst ourselves.

With all of this relationship chatter my mind has been buzzing about what I think about relationships and how important I think they are.
Here’s where I’m at…

I’m not one of the types of people that want to be surrounded by people 24/7. I like to be home and have quiet time with just my husband. I even went through a time recently where as much as I wanted friends I didn’t want to open up and care about more than my little family. I was willing to be kind and be available to talk but I didn’t want to call anyone friend.

I was trying to be an island, I guess.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says that “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him- a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
I’ve thought about that verse a lot. It was obnoxious to me at first thinking that things would be better living as if community were really important. And then I realized…

“Dang, Dani… you are thinking and acting like a bitter woman”

If there is anything that I don’t want to be it’s a bitter woman. I’ve walked through a couple of things in my past that were REALLY tough and hurt a lot and I purposed in my heart to not EVER get bitter. But, if you remember I mentioned in one of my first posts how I just came through a really interesting season with God. During that time, being that I wasn’t keeping my focus on things that were good and noble and true, I let myself become bitter and hard towards other people.

I was so disappointed with myself.

People were always my favorite thing about life. Learning them, loving them, and spending time with them. I loved people. But recently, I sure didn’t like them and I didn’t really act very loving. Not in my heart.

Have you ever met someone who wasn’t a good friend or didn’t have very many friends that, if you dug deep enough, didn’t have a root of bitterness? If I think about it… I can’t think of very many who weren’t bitter.

After realizing my own root of bitterness I was able to deal with it. I was and in some ways still am walking my way through my forest of unforgiveness. I am assessing each situation and what hurt me or disappointed me and I’m forgiving. It’s not been my easiest or favorite process… AT ALL! But, I feel my love for people coming back. And it’s stronger than it was before.

So… How do I feel about relationships?

With slightly gritted teeth I will tell you that I think they are more important than anything else you can pursue in life.

I have what someone else needs, and someone else has what I need. Whether that’s a physical or emotional or even spiritual need. I will never be a fully rounded and whole person without others.

I need friends. I need relationships. It makes me better, more loving, and less selfish.

But, after reading Ecclesiastes, it’s clear we all need each other.

Our hearts have got to be open to building relationships, learning each other, and accepting each other.

I’m not going to like everything about you, and you most definitely won’t like everything about me. But, if we can learn to love past ourselves and seek out those people that God has placed us in a community with (at church, school, work, city, clubs/groups) we will be better for it.

I love people… Because God loves them.

My only reasonable response to that realization…. Pursue what God pursues. He pursues people.

So, here’s to God’s creation. And putting on my big girl pants and getting to know them.

Bye bye Bitter Dani… Hello Friends! It’s great to see you! (for real)