Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Constants and Changes and the Constant Change

I am shocked! I haven't written in almost 2 weeks! Between the flu, date nights, a crazy work load, and getting ready for some upcoming events at the church I just didn't make time for it. But I wouldn't change the past 2 weeks for anything (except the flu-we can do away with the flu).

With all that said, I'm not writing about any of those things today. Oh no... there are much more important topics to discuss. So let's dive in, shall we??

2 years ago today was one of the most significant days of my life. I met my husband. He was distracted and doesn't even remember meeting me but I remember. I knew, but didn't know all at the same time, how significant that day was leading up to the trip to Macclenny. But never did I realize the thing I had been praying most for was sitting in that church building with me the whole time.

I wasn't praying for a husband necessarily, what I wanted came from something I'd lacked for a very long time.


I grew up with amazing people. They took me in when my parents weren't able and they raised me. My uncle taught the importance of discipleship and developing a relationship with Jesus. A lot of times he was the closest thing to a dad I'd ever seen.

But my time with them wasn't always stable. I know it wasn't their intentions and I try not to fault them- I wasn't their child and I wasn't "supposed" to be with them forever. I can't imagine that burden. As a child, though, I longed for something stable. Something that, when I stepped foot somewhere, I didn't have to worry about the ground caving in and needing to scramble to find something or somewhere else. To know that at the end of the day someone loved me and someone wanted me. That idea meant safety to me. 

2 years later I can say God answered that prayer better than I could have expected. Cyler and this community have become the things that my heart was crying out for. I look around everyday and realize life feels so different than it did for me growing up. 

Cyler has become my constant and that is more of something than anything I've ever had. I'm grateful.

But that leads me to changes-

Because apparently God brought stability so I would be more willing for and feel safe in the changes.

So here is the announcement from the Craig household.

Cyler and I are going back to school.

We are keeping our jobs (of course) but my goal is to start in January and his is to start hopefully in June.

I'll be pursuing a nursing degree which is something that I've wanted to do since I graduated high-school. Life is finally to a point where I can confidently and STABILY complete that goal! I'm beyond excited!!

I'm thankful for a God who has the foresight to hold our hand as we walk through what we see as chaos and craziness. I look back and see how every disappointment, scary moment, and heartbreak was so necessary to get me here. To make me who I am. And to make me appreciate what I have (and don't have).

I don't know everything that's coming but I'm confident in this- it will be constant changes on a stable foundation. 

I can handle that!


  1. Wow... absolutely wow. I hope the best for you guys! You're gonna do great- Congrats!!

  2. Thanks ma'am!! We are both really excited!!! :D

  3. That's wonderful news because it sounds like your hearts are in it! Love you both and I'm cheering ya on in this journey we call LIFE!
